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LIVO 低碳生酮防彈抹茶

味道最好的 MCT 健康咖啡・口感香滑・不含奶精

秒速享用,為你打造健康、加添靈感 使用兩包替代早餐,適合正在斷食或瘦身的你。



【關注】下背部問題。下肢無力。 關節僵硬。


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High Vibrational Energy Bulletproof Coffee benefits:

【Benefits of LIVO BulletProof Coffee】

  • MCT helps release hormones that promote the feeling of fullness. MCT is converted instantly into energy for use instead of storing as body fat.
  • MCT supports immune system through its potent antioxidant and anti-microbial properties.
  • MCT promotes the repair of brain cell damage and increase brain energy.
  • MCT tends to raise beneficial HDL cholesterol while reducint LDL cholesterol.

The origin of Bulletproof Coffee:

Dave Asprey, an IT engineer, pioneered Bulletproof Coffee using grass-fed butter and MCT oil.

MCT is an instant source of energy that easily enters into our cells instead of being stored as fat. As it helps burn calories while promoting the feeling of fullness, it is the perfect enabler for weight-loss.

MCT is also a good source of fuel for your brain and it enhances cognitive function and mental focus.


Ionized Brown Algae Calcium releases calcium ions. Provides the vitamins and minerals to help maintain regular cell growh, delay aging and improve body's acidity.

Coffee Powder comes from the best selection of coffee beans grown in Peru's high altitudes.

MCT Coconut Powder that comes from the purest virgin coconut oil is designed for the creamy palates, while ideal for vegetarian or lactose intolerant individuals.

Premium Ingredients:

Peru High Altitude Coffee Beans, MCT Powder, Ionized Brown Algae Calcium