Using a LIVO product or attending a LIVO class is only the beginning of the healing journey.    We always walk the extra mile, either in sharing or teaching, to help foster wellness and personal growth.    Transformation doesn't take place through a product, but instead, through practice, precision and patience.

It all started 20 years ago when Louis Tong, the founder of ISLT (International  Society of Life-nurturing Traditions), decided to make life nourishing traditions as openly available as possible to everyone through publications and talks.   With the aspiration of helping people improve their health, he introduced Nei Dan, the Taoist way of self-healing and rejuvenation, to Hong Kong.    Hundreds of people attended the training and elevated their health through practicing Nei Dan on a daily basis.

20 years later today, Louis's daughter, Frances, who teaches yoga and meditation, expanded the realm of wellness from a physical focus to the embodiment of body and mind awareness.   The continuation of legacy has given birth to LIVO, with ‘LI’ symbolizing life and ‘VO’ representing evolution.   


** LI stands for Life, VO comes from Evolution

Our mission

General medicine attempts to treat the physical body primarily to control the erroneous view of the mind. Energy flower therapy uses natural energy extracted from plants to trigger the body's self-healing system. Energy essence can awaken and transform our emotions, physical and mental disharmony, and increase our happiness and joy. Energy essences have a wide range of uses. Flower therapy is generally a safe alternative treatment in diluted doses and is a safe and reliable adjunctive therapy for children, animals, patients and the elderly.

About Frances Tong

Frances Tong is a certified instructor of Dharma Yoga and Universal Yoga. He has been practicing yoga and meditation for more than twenty years and has been passed down by masters from different sects. Frances is committed to using the unique energy of flower therapy to lead students towards personal growth and achieve in-depth and comprehensive transformation.

What is flower essense?

According to the definition of BFVEA (British Flower Essence and Energy Essence Association): Energy essence is the frequency of flowers, trees, crystals and minerals from nature, using the memory of water to preserve the frequency in an aqueous solution. Energy essence is usually taken orally, and the essence has a very good healing effect on people's spirituality and emotions. Energy essences support, strengthen and enhance our energy and vitality so that our bodies can function at their best.