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$238.00 - Regular price
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LIVO High Frequency Energy Bulletproof Coffee
The best tasting MCT healthy coffee has a smooth taste. Creamer-free
, enjoy it in seconds, making you healthier and more inspired
. Use two packets as a breakfast alternative, suitable for those who are fasting or losing weight.
Made with medium-chain fatty acids (MCT) from coconut oil and added to black coffee. MCT medium-chain fatty acids have many benefits: rapid metabolism, no hoarding, and ability to maintain body shape; they are also an important fuel for the brain, effectively improving function and efficiency. Because oil can maintain a sense of satiety for a long time, it can be used as a meal replacement to slim down and lose weight.
Must be combined with diet and exercise
Packaging: 13g x 15packs
Ingredients: Peruvian coffee beans, MCT coconut powder , brown algae ionized calcium
Direction: Mix with 150-180cc boiling water
Related conditons:
MCT 中鏈脂肪酸,萃取自頂級初榨椰子油,能維持飽足感,可作代餐同時為腦部重要燃料,加配離子鈣,有效提升大腦功能。
令人體產生飽足感荷爾蒙,減低飢餓感,且迅速轉化成能量,不會囤積 含抗氧化物,同時也抗菌、抗發炎、健康之選 腦部重要燃料,提升大腦功能,也能保護受損或退化的腦神經 減少壞膽固醇並產生好膽固醇
To know more:
防彈咖啡由矽谷工程師 Dave Asprey 研發。以萃取椰子油的MCT (中鏈脂肪酸),加入黑咖啡中調製而成。 MCT 中鏈脂肪酸快速代謝,不易囤積,更能維持體態;同時亦是腦部重要燃料,有效提升功能及效率。因油脂能維持長時間飽足感,作為代餐,可以瘦身減重。 特式: 特別添加天然褐藻離子鈣,一種人體特別容易吸收的鈣質,有助維持細胞正常生長、延緩老化及改善酸性體質。
採用祕魯高海拔頂級咖啡豆,研磨過程特別去除了咖啡因讓人心跳手震失眠的副作用,但卻保留了讓人心情開朗的特性,飲得開心又放心。 口感香滑,但不含其他防彈咖啡中的牛油或一般咖啡的奶精,只萃取頂級椰子的中鏈脂肪酸(MCT),所以特別適合素食者和乳糖不耐者。
祕魯咖啡豆、MCT 椰子粉、褐藻離子鈣
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$238.00 - Regular price
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