LIVO Energy flower Essence

Throat Chakra|Energy Flower Essence

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Related Conditions

Emotionally, you

- Feel suppressed, shy or have difficulty expressing your feelings
- withholding or swallowing words, reluctant to open up or experience social anxiety
- Suppressing creative talents
- Feel the need to control and dominate situations Physically, you experience…
- Thyroid imbalance and swollen glands,
- Neck/shoulder pain or stiffness, scoliosis
- Raspy or Sore throat, mouth ulcers, gum difficulties
- initial cold symptoms, bronchitis and asthma

Emotional Benefits

LIVO No. 5 Energy Flower Essence - Interpersonal Communication and Creative Expression

LIVO No. 5 essence corresponds to the throat chakra that starts from the clavicle, below the mouth, including the cervical vertebra and temporomandibular joint. It relates to our ability to communicate with others, accept them and also accepting ourselves.

When the energy of the throat chakra is balanced, our will to live is strong and we are able to follow our dreams. We speak our truth—where we say what we mean and mean what we say. We express ourselves easily, confidently and authentically. We are attuned to our inner voice. We think clearly and creatively with insights.

When the throat chakra is out of balance, we have difficulty speaking our truth or expressing ourselves in the face of authority. We feel judged for what we say and feel out of alignment with who we are. Some people can be very obedient or rebellious and are prone to addiction due to long-term depression.

Related conditons:


  • 自我壓抑、不善表達
  • 過於霸道、拒絕溝通
  • 耽溺無法自拔


  • 甲狀腺失衡、喉嚨不適
  • 表達溝通的障礙
  • 頸部粗大、膚色晦暗、頸紋深
  • 肩頸、大椎僵硬
  • 初期感冒症狀、支氣管炎氣喘
To know more:


When chakra is balance:


When chakra is imbalance:




    Throat Chakra|Energy Flower Essence
    Throat Chakra|Energy Flower Essence
    購買產品滿 $400 即享全港免運費